Trip to Mexico, 2007

Information about Mexico

Map of Mexico

David Molina conducts training for pilot survey

Ana Valdes, Janett Valdez, Dr. Jewell, Berenice Morales, Jazmin Valdez, and

Emmanuel Anguiano at training for pilot survey


Pilot survey headquarters at the Autonomous University of Coahuila


Pilot survey: street in the Bella Vista neighborhood in the city of Saltillo


Pilot survey: street in the Bella Vista neighborhood in the city of Saltillo


Pilot survey: street in the small town of San Antonio de Las Alazanas (30 km southwest of Saltillo)


Pilot survey: Emmanuel Anguiano, Berenice Morales, Dr. Molina, Ana Valdes, and Jazmin Valdez

near Santo Domingo (a small town 30 km northeast of Saltillo)



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